Regina & Area AA Intergroup
Make any cheque or money order payable to Regina AA Intergroup
Central Office
Make any cheque or money order payable to Regina Central Office
**Eligible for tax receipt
Mail to or Drop Off at:
Central Office
107-845 Broad Street
Regina, SK.
S4R 8G9
[email protected]
Districts 15, 17 and 18
Make cheque or money order payable to District 15, District 17 or District 18
Please include your Group Name
For personal contributions identify it as personal.
Mail to your District Treasurer
Drop Off at:
Central Office
107-845 Broad Street
Regina, SK.
S4R 8G9
Area 91
Make cheque or money order payable to Area 91 Assembly
- Unless otherwise stated in the memo portion of the cheque, the Treasurer will apply the contribution to Area 91.
- You may include contributions to the Pink Can and Area 91 on the same cheque. Please include a note with the cheque describing the breakdown. One receipt will be mailed separating the contributions on the same receipt.
- In the Comments or attached note please indicate your:
- group name
- the district number your group belongs to
- the name and address, or email, where the receipt should be mailed.
General Service Office
Make cheque or money order payable to General Service Fund
Include your Group Service Number, District Number, and Area 91 on your cheque or money order (or attached note). If you are unsure of your Group Service Number, please contact your DCM.
Send Canadian dollar cheques to:
General Service Office
Post Office Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
or Webpage:
F.Y.I. – What are the Different Service Entities?
(definitions excerpted from F-3 Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix with permission of A.A®, World Services, Inc.)
- The local intergroup or central office, which may provide phone service for Twelfth Step calls and other inquiries; coordinates group activities; and facilitates A.A. literature sales, institutions work, public information, and cooperation with the professional community activities.
- The local district, which communicates directly with the groups, providing the district group conscience for the area assemblies, and serving as a link between the area delegates and the G.S.R.s.
- The area committee, which coordinates vital A.A. activities over a broad geographic area; sends a delegate to the annual General Service Conference; holds area assemblies to determine the needs of the Fellowship; and provides information at all levels of service.
- A.A.’s General Service Office, which functions as a storehouse of A.A. information, communicating with members and groups around the world; publishes A.A.’s literature; and supplies information and experience to professionals and others interested in A.A.
Regina Intergroup and the Central Office receive funding through literature (and now medallion and card) sales, however, the bulk of our funding is provided directly from group contributions to Regina Intergroup. We are not funded by or through the Districts, Area or General Service Office.
Regina and Area’s Intergroup and the Central Office are not in the same service structure as General Service, Area and District Committees. These are complementary rather than competitive A.A. structures. They exist to help ensure A.A. unity and to fulfill A.A’s primary purpose of carrying the message.
Contributions to any of AA's service bodies; local, national and international are voluntary.
Groups are not required to contribute if that is the group choice. If a group wants to contribute, and has tended to their own financial affairs first, then the following charts are a suggested formula for dispersal.
(Percentages are from F-3 Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix
with permission of A.A®, World Services, Inc.)