Regina Roundup Committee Chair

Regina Roundup Committee Chair

The Regina Roundup is an annual event, where we share our stories, our experiences and gather in fellowship.


For all positions within Intergroup, a commitment of your time and a desire to be of service, are the main qualifications.

  • The Roundup chair should be someone having a good level of sobriety, two years is suggested.
  • Committee members should also be comfortable with their attained level of sobriety.


The Roundup Chair reports on the event directly to the Regina Intergroup Committee.

Position Description and Duties

The Chair and Committee :

  • Recommend the date, time, location, and pricing of the annual Anniversary and/or Round up.
  • Present a budget for the conference at the earliest date.
  • Select a format for the Conference.
  • Present a list of speakersā€™ names.
  • Are Responsible for all ticket sales.
  • Arrange for all INTERNAL publicity for the Conference.
  • Plan transportation and lodging of speakers.
  • Organize meeting schedules and see that the speakers are there.
  • Arrange for any volunteer staffing required, eg. Hospitality rooms, etc.
  • Coordinate any printing necessary (programs, advertising, etc.).