10 events found.
44th Marean Lake Camp Out Roundup
Christ the King Camp Marean Lake, Porcupine Plain, Saskatchewan, CanadaPLEASE BRING POTLUCK DESSERTS FOR SATURDAY SUPPER
Diane W. – 1 Year, Women’s Serenity Group
St. James United Church 4506 Sherwood Drive, Regina, Saskatchewan, CanadaPlease join the Women's Serenity Group to celebrate the 1 year birthday of Diane W.This meeting is open to all.
Susie W. – Vibank 10 Yr Celebration Postponed
A new date will be announced.
Harmony Group upcoming birthdays
Ron L will have 35 yrs on July 12 and Warren S will have 5 yrs on August 6. Dates for birthday celebrations not yet received.
Chris G. & Susie W. AA Birthdays – Vibank Group
Vibank Senior Citizens Centre 214 Main Street, Vibank, SK, CanadaWarren S. – 5 Years, Harmony Group
Living Spirit Centre 3018 Doan Dr, Regina, Regina, SK, CanadaThis is an open meeting, all are welcome.
71st Regina AA Roundup (with Al-Anon Participation)
Saint Mary's Roman Catholic Church 2020 Winnipeg Street, Regina, Sk.E-transfer for Tickets: [email protected] only: $10Sat. only: $30 - lunch and supper not included
55th Birthday Stan C. – Prince Albert
11:00 fellowship; lunch at noon followed by speakers; at Coronet Hotel; tickets $20 contact Jim Z 306-961-5678 ([email protected]) or Rick G 606-961-2729 ([email protected])
Harmony Group 5 yr Birthday Marina W
Join Harmony Group to celebrate a 5 yr birthday for Marina W.